Good things have to come to an end. The reasons oftentimes changes, but in this instance, the purpose of this blog has evolved greatly from its initial roots.
When I started blogging, this spot was my haven. My Ickle friends and I used this medium to throw ideas into a pot, make it stew, and eventually, get ideas on how our fanfics were going to evolve. Oh, those were the days.
Every once in a while, I would try and add a blog about music or movies... Or everyday life. In the end, I was sated in sharing my ideas.
Now that my days are saturated with my child, a busy gym and family life and going back to school (ironically, this blog started when I was in the midst of starting another degree!), I have neglected this blog.
I have not decided what to do with the blog yet, but I am sure I am not done with it for now. Will this blog turn into a foodie blog? Maybe. A book review site? That's a possibility. Right now, I know it's not going to be where I would be throwing out ideas in regard to stories I would eventually write.
I will keep links to my writing (both PG and NC-17), but I have to admit that maybe, my writing days have sailed. If any of you have ideas on what I should do with this blog, let me know. I need any and all ideas I can get.
i do the review thing right now! its true love lol! and im about to start a travel blog i suggest that
I would love to start a travel blog, but now that I'm more homebound than traveling, it would be a very short blog. LOL
I am reconsidering doing reviews. I don't know if it's going to be a categorical kind, but it's an idea I am reconsidering.
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